Riding Into Bethlehem by Joseph St John

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


Riding into Bethlehem, the wise men did need a hand

and somewhere in the dark of night the angels showed the light of the Lord.


The star rose in the sky as a guide for the Magi,

who traveled from the east to find the new Messiah.


As they rode the desert sands, searching for his healing hands

they thought of the joy he’d bring this newborn and silent king called the Lord.


Faith led the men far from their homes to find the child king,

the man who would cleanse the sins of the world.


They searched for him for many years.

They searched for him to ease their pain and fears.


When they arrived in Bethlehem, they asked where was this special man

and seeing him in his mother’s arms they fell before the gracious charms of the Lord.


They saw the blessed child cuddled closely with his mother, Mary. 

They bowed down and worshipped him.


With the star bright overhead, they worshipped him with words unsaid

and felt the glow of majesty wash them in the ecstasy of the Lord.


They offered their worldly possessions.

They gave him their best; gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.


They brought to him both greetings and gold

and in return received blessings untold.


When they left this newborn king, they knew the joy he would bring.

And when they left Bethlehem, they knew they would spare the man that would be known as the Lord.


Herod was furious that he had been outwitted.

He railed at the world and murder raged in his black heart.


He fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah:  


“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”



The Magi rode away knowing what they had seen

and they faded into the night like Herod’s scream.


Riding into Bethlehem, we all need a helping hand

and somewhere in the dark of night the angels will show each of us the light of the Lord.


Merry Christmas and Thanksgiving For The Greatest Gift of All




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